Portable Antiquities Scheme

The Portable Antiquities Scheme is a national voluntary project to encourage the reporting of archaeological objects found by the public. These finds offer an important way of understanding our past, made more valuable when we know their context or provenance. There’s a network of Finds Liaison Officers across England and Wales – Philip Smither, the FLO for all of Berkshire holds regular Finds Surgeries in the West Berkshire Museum in Newbury. To contact Philip please email or telephone 01635 519397.

Under the Treasure Act of 1996 there is a legal requirement to report treasure finds to the local coroner within 14 days.  Finds Liaison Officers can help you to identify what qualifies as treasure – more information can be found at www.finds.org.uk. 


Image credit – Portable Antiquities Scheme, Romano-British figurine from Winterbourne