We welcome your comments, helpful feedback and ideas about our events and activities,
our facilities and the service you received. There are a number of ways you can let us know :
· Complete an online feedback form
· Fill in a hard copy form which are available at Shaw House and the West Berkshire Museum.
· Speak to the member of staff in charge.
· Contact us by email or telephone;
Shaw House: shawhouse@westberks.gov.uk T: 01635 279279
West Berkshire Museum: museum@westberks.gov.uk T: 01635 519562
Archaeology Service: archaeology@westberks.gov.uk T: 01635 519534
All comments are reviewed monthly by the management team and we act on them wherever possible.
Do you have a complaint?
Please tell us if you are unhappy about the service you have received or something we have done or failed to do.
We want to know about it and how we can put things right. If we have made a mistake we want to learn from it so that we can improve our service.
You can register a complaint in a number of ways. When doing so please tell us what you would like to happen to resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
· You can speak to the member of staff in charge in private and they will do their best to resolve the matter immediately.
If that is not possible they will take the details. If you wish we can provide you with a written copy of your complaint and what action you want us to take within three working days.
Your complaint will then be considered and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your complaint and how we can resolve it.
Thank you.